Generik Ltd is a global technology solutions provider founded in London, UK

ML - AI Data Platforms

Build Scalable Data Engineering Platforms

Design and implement scalable, efficient data platforms using Azure Data Lake/Databricks and Apache Airflow, enabling advanced analytics and machine learning capabilities for your enterprise.

Leverage Azure DataBricks, Kubeflow for Machine Learning Operations (MLOps)
Utilize Kubeflow to build, deploy, and manage machine learning workflows seamlessly across cloud and on-premise environments, accelerating your ML lifecycle.

Automate Workflows Orchestration with Argo

Streamline your machine learning and data processing with workflow orchestration products such as Argo Workflows and Apache Airflow. These leading products enable optimization for efficiency and scalability in managing complex data tasks.

Enhance Data Insights with AI Integration

Integrate AI and machine learning models into your data platforms, empowering data-driven decision-making and unlocking new business opportunities.

Platform Engineering

Master DevOps Principles with a Security-First Approach

Learn from a seasoned Platform Engineering Consultant to integrate DevSecOps best practices, ensuring robust, secure software delivery from the ground up.

Optimize Your Digital Estate

Elevate your cloud architecture with expert guidance on modernizing your digital infrastructure, leveraging Microsoft Azure AI, Data Lake, and AKS for scalable, efficient solutions.

Embrace Cloud-Native Architecting:

Transition to cloud-native technologies for enhanced agility, scalability, and reliability in your software development lifecycle, drawing on experience with Kubernetes, Argo Workflows, and Kubeflow.

Accelerate Release Cycles

Implement Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) strategies to reduce lead time, facilitated by Azure DevOps and HashiCorp Vault, ensuring rapid, reliable deployments.

Infrastructure and Pipelines as Code

Adopt infrastructure as code (IaC) and pipelines as code practices to streamline deployment and management processes, utilizing Terraform and Azure Resource Manager templates.

Comprehensive Tooling Setup and Configuration

Benefit from in-depth expertise in setting up and configuring a wide range of DevOps and cloud engineering tools, enhancing operational efficiency and team productivity.

Advanced Containerization Strategies

Leverage containerization and orchestration technologies, including Docker and Kubernetes, for seamless application scaling and management, enriched by Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) insights.

Implement Effective Cloud Cost Management

Develop and execute a cloud cost management strategy to optimize spending across your digital assets, informed by proven techniques for AWS and Azure cost reduction.

Large Language Models (LLMs)

Innovate with Leading LLMs
Integrate cutting-edge Large Language Models from OpenAI, Meta, and Alphabet/Google, including GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer), BERT, and LaMDA 2, to revolutionize your applications with advanced AI capabilities.

Explore the Frontiers of Generative AI
Harness the power of generative AI models like Phi-2, Mistral, Codellama, and OpenHermes, to generate insightful, contextually relevant content and solutions.

Utilize Top AI Development Tools
Leverage popular AI tools such as Ollama and LMStudio to streamline the development of AI-driven applications, enhancing creativity and productivity.

Develop Generative AI Assets for your Enterprise